The Kitsune is a revered figure in Japanese folklore. These fox spirits possess high intelligence, longevity, and magical powers, but most famously of all, the Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Maison Kitsuné, the fashion label brainchild of former Daft Punk manager Gildas Loaëc and architect Masaya Kuroki has done an admirable job in living up to the Kitsune name since its 2002 founding.
Maison Kitsuné is all about creative melding: Paris and Tokyo aesthetic influences, timeless style and contemporary vision, bold patterns, colors, and materials.
In many stories, the supernatural abilities of the Kitsune were generously utilized to aid humans, and there’s no doubt that the visual versatility that Kitsune are known for has made Maison Kitsuné one of the most influential fashion names in the world.
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- Fabric: 95% Cotton, 5% Elastane
- Venice Inspired
- Tunisian Neckline
- Button Tab